Saturday, April 23, 2011

Well done, thou good and faithful servant

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Mat. 25

More than anything I want to hear him say "well done."

But how can he say "well done" if I haven't done well?

I started this little ritual a number of months ago, at the close of every day, I ask the Lord have I "done well" today? Are you pleased with me? This is a daily process of measuring where I am at and where I am going.

It is a daily accounting for the resources God has invested into my life.

I will not hear him say "well done" over there, unless on a regular basis I hear it over here.

Here are the five areas I focus on in my prayer.

1. The gospel, have I effectually shared my faith that day? Have I displayed the love of Christ to those I have met today? Have I loved my neighbor as myself? ( "on this hangs all the law and prophets" )

2. Myself, have I made myself a better person? I measure this by have I spend time in prayer and meditation on his word. Have I worked on any of my charter flaws and short comings? Did I actively strive to become what God has called me to be?

3. My family, did I build a road to them and paved the way before them?

4. Vocation, did I Iearn any new life skill? Did I read anything that has challenged me to grow? Am I providing for my family?

5. Am I out of balance in any area of my life?

Thank God I am not what I use to be. But if I am to become what God has called me to be I must " do well " in these areas.

This is a taking of responsibility, for the time and resources he has invested in me. "Redeeming the time."

" If it's to be, it's up to me. "

If it's to be, it's up to me. I am reaching, I am becoming, I am forgetting those things that are behind. I am not waiting for "gum drops" to fall from heaven.

If it's to be, it's up to me.

The only thing that will keep me from hearing those longed for words is,... me! My laziness, my unconcern, my burying the gifts God that has entrusted to me. Using a excuse of my own inabilities, to cover for my laziness in not growing and becoming.

As in the parable, I do not have to measure up to my fellow servants accomplishments. I do have to do the very best that I can with what I possess.

How about you? If God would visit you today could he say "well done"? If he is pleased with you now, he will greet you over there with open arms and this blessed greeting...

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."

As always thank you for reading, your comments are always welcome. It is my prayer today that you will reach higher than you ever have before, and you will become all God has called you to be.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Outstanding as always!! Keep writing my friend!!

  2. That was simply powerful. Just enlightened me and confirmed some things for me as I am on my journey too!! Thank you


  3. That was powerful! It has enlightened and confirmed some things for me as I am on my journey too!! Thank you
