The Perfect Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13
Our Father “the perfect Parent”
Which art “the perfect existence”
In heaven “the perfect place”
Hallowed “the perfect holiness”
Be thy name “the perfect name”
Thy kingdom come “the perfect kingdom”
Thy will “the perfect contract”
Be done “the perfect service”
In earth as it is in heaven “the perfect contrast”
Give us “the perfect petition”
This day “the perfect timing”
Our daily bread “the perfect provision”
And forgive us our debts “the perfect forgiveness”
As we forgive our debtors “the perfect reciprocation”
And lead us not into temptation “the perfect guidance”
But deliver us from evil “the perfect deliverance”
For thine is “the perfect owner”
The kingdom “the perfect dominion”
And the power “the perfect authority”
And the glory “the perfect glory”
Forever “the perfect duration”
Amen “the perfect benediction
Nice way to start the day......