Friday, October 11, 2013

when people no longer matter.

When politics becomes our motivation, people no longer are important.

The pharisees brought the woman who was taken in adultery, not because they cared about the woman, but because they were looking for a political cause against Jesus.

Jesus whole ministry was about ministering to the people.

He healed them, He fed them, He went out of His way to meet them where they lived.

He said " let him who would be greatest be your servant".

He was all about meeting the needs of lost humanity.

He has left His body (the church) in the world today, to reach the world with the gospel.

When politics and position becomes our motivation, people no longer matter.

This woman "was taken in the very act."

Jesus never deserted or abandoned her...

In His mind it was about her.

The politically correct thing to do was to shun her, ignore her..

Principle should always trump politics.

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