Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pretending is not possessing

I recently posted a tweet and a facebook post that said: 
"Pretending is not obiedience or conversion. In fact it is lying!"

I received this private message in response to my tweet. 

"Re: Pretending 

Yeah, but so many participate to the point of disillusionment.

They pretend ...
  • To love their brother or sister, but gossip behind their backs.

  • That there is no spiritual abuse and ignore it.

  • That they really stand for the articles of faith when in fact they  do not.

  • That in public all is well at home; but lack the maturity to be transparent and seek help for their pain, because they need to keep up appearances.

  • That they walk the talk, but in secret  hide their addictions instead of confessing their faults and receiving deliverance.

  • That legalism has the tendency to produce superficial religion in weak people.

  • That they are not tormented by the hypocrisy in the mirror and continue the charade of religiosity.

Sorry to pontificate: just venting the peeves peeps! 

Paul said in  Cor. That the Lord wants us to be at peace.  Confession and transparency will bring more revival than loud music and new suits. ( nothing wrong with either, in fact some could use some loud worship and a new suit, but you catch my drift)

Love you Bro Meyers! Many blessings to you." 

I left this post unsigned because he sent it through private means, but I thought it worth sharing. 

The greatest sin of pretending is that it disqualifies you from the real experience.

The Pharisees completely missed the messages of Jesus, 
because they could not embrace his kingdom and maintain the facade of self piety.

Pretending is all about self image. 

"The Pharisee prayed thus with himself" ... 

He was pretending - In fact every word he said was done in false pretense.

Honesty and vulnerability are always the first call's of the gospel.
You can not answer the call of God without laying down all pretense of self worth and importance. 

Pretending is not possessing.

Pretending is one of the greatest reasons for spiritual poverty. 

Pretending stops you from ever possessing what you are pretending you possess. 

Hyprocricy (hiding secret sins) Is not holiness, it is pretending.

Ignoring moral failures is not purity, it is pretending.

Pretending is not conversion, it is pretending.

How many are pretending deliverance while they are addicted to a myriad of vices? 

Those who hear those words well done are not those who profess an experience, 
but those who actually possess it.

Spiritual pride, (the assuming of a position of superiority to the failings of others), is one of the most damning forms of pretending. 

Galatians 6:1
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness;  considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 

"considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted" ... Not much room for pretending in this verse.

" But for the grace of God there go I."

The approach to the foot of the cross is level, and we all approach it on our knees.

The word of God  is not a magnifying glass to view the faults of others, but a mirror in which we are to see ourselves.

The hypocrisy of pretending is one of the greatest hindrances to evangelism. 

Why would you pretend when you can have the real thing?  
In His presence there is fullness of Joy.
He save, He keeps, and He satisfies! 

Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you"?  You are a pretender!

God Bless each of you who have stopped by! Lets not pretend, lets love the brotherhood fervently, and seek His favor exclusively. 

Why pretend when He has the real thing?


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