Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Holiday break

We started the holiday break by holding a two week revival in Pineville La. with Rev. Tim Merritt, and the saints of Truthway. This is a growing revival church. Many nights the altar service lasted longer than the preliminaries.

The Merritt's are some of the kindest, christian people I have ever met.

I first met Bro Merritt when he was evangelizing, He was and is, an extremely effective evangelist, it was a paradigm shift in my life as God helped both the church and the visiting evangelist.

At the close of that revival I was off for the Christmas Holiday. Lots of family time, filled with laughter and home cooked food?

As with every trip into Tulsa, I was privileged to be a part of what God is doing in the Owasso church. Every trip back i am always amazed at the handiwork of God.

I was privileged to minister there twice this trip, as well as be blessed by their Christmas program... I shouted, wept and spoke in tongues. There was such a precious touch of God in the house.

We are looking forward to my next trip into Tulsa, with new doors and windows on ordered, as God adds daily to the church in Owasso.

HYC was again in Tulsa, and we were able to attend again. Bro Joel Urshan did a masterful job preaching both nights. We also met many new and old friends.

Christmas day was spent with family and friends. We started off at Dan and Rue ... Food, friends, and family. We ended it with the Cheeks and Ben and Lashel ... Good times, good friends!

We were also privileged to preach for Truth Church in Keifer on New Years day. There was a great annointing in the service followed by a great altar service. God is doing what only He can do... Giving an increase. Love the Harwoods, planning an extended revival with them later in the year.

We were also asked to preach for the First Apostolic Church.

This required me to change around my travel schedule. I am glad we changed it! We were only asked to preach one tuesday night. Service lasted till almost 11pm as wave after wave of glory was over our souls.

God worked a mighty miracle in my life in that service. We wear armor when in battle, and take it off when we worship. It had been years since I had felt safe enough even when in church to take the armor off ... Always on guard, always slightly afraid... During this service I realized I was worshiping freely, honestly, unrestrained and with out fear ...

We were invited back for a Holy Ghost rally on Friday night. Again the Lord met with us in a mighty fashion. We were re-invited back for Sunday services. I believe 5 people received the Holy Ghost in these 4 services. Thank God for His grace and mercies.

We are also thanking God for the gift of friendship that the Dykes extended to us. They opened their church, their home, and most importantly their hearts to us. God Bless them and their labor in his field.

I also celebrated my 48 birthday. The greatest gift was the blessings of having all of my kids and my wife together with me.

My wife made me my favorite meal of Home made chicken noodles, corn and home made yeast rolls.

I also helped Dan and Rue re-paint their new home...

So now that I am done with my vacation, I am back in Memphis, looking to the future, and believing God to finish what he has started.

God bless you, thank you for stopping by.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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