Tuesday, January 31, 2012

8 things I cant do ...

8 things I can't do ... 

1.  I cannot control everything
in fact the list of things that I can control is very short.  Except this fact, focus on what you can fix and let God worry about the rest. 

2. I cannot  change or fix  anybody -
the only person I have any control over is myself.  How much time and energy have we all waisted trying to change and fix others? 

3.  I cannot explain  everything - 
Something's in life there is no answer for.  Men, husbands, fathers and ministers often feel the need to explain everything.  But somethings there is no answer to.  Why are some problems miraculously fix, and other linger on, or end up in the graveyard? Only God knows, and He doesn't always tell.  There are something's I just cannot explain.  

4. I cannot meet everyone's expectations
No matter how hard you try,  you will never get the approval of some people.  This is an extremely difficult lesson, especially if you have a "people pleasing  personality".  You can mortgage your dreams, goals and desires hoping to win the approval of others. In the end you will loose your way and be left With only broken promises and a broken heart.  I cannot meet everyone's expectations, so I am focusing on meeting mine.

5. I cannot avoid the tough decisions - 
Since you are the center of most of the tuff decisions in your life, only you can deal with them.  Only you have the knowledge and insight to solve the difficult questions in your life. Quit waiting for some expert to come up with the answers for you.  You have both the answers and the ability to deal with them.  Quit running from them, turn and face them, you are the man you are looking for. 

6. I cannot concern myself with who gets the credit.- 
"There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit." this was a sign on the desk of President Regan's desk.  It seems completely out if step with much of the world we live in today, yet it still holds true today.  

7. I cannot cling to the past. -  
The only certain thing about life is - change.  These changes bring both Incredible joys and deep pain and sorrow.  No matter how glorious it was, yesterday fire is today's ashes. "forgetting those things that are behind, I press toward ..."  

8.  I cannot do  what God has called me to do all by myself 
The first thing God's eye named "not good" was Adam alone in the garden. I cannot be what I need to be all by myself. I need my wife, my friends, and even my enemies. All of these help to shape me into the man He has called me to become. 

I cannot do what God has called me to do all by myself.

Did you ever stop to consider Jesus called Judas "friend" when he kissed him in the garden? Even those who have wronged me play a major role in who I am becoming. 
I cannot do what God has called me to do all by myself. 

Thank you for stopping by, your comments are always welcome.


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