Thursday, December 22, 2011

The last year in review.

We started the year in California and ended it in Tulsa. Many of the men in the Tulsa area have opened their churches to us. Instead of feeling isolated and lonely in our own home town, we have "friends of faith". God Bless each one of you.

The last service of the year was preached in Owasso. I am amazed at all that God has accomplished in the lives of the Cheeks and the saints of Owasso in the past 12 months. This building is filled to overflowing. " Tear this wall down Mr Cheek"

I have been In services in 22 different churches in 9 different states
I Preached a sectional back to school rally, a fellowship meeting, and Officiated a funeral.
I was privileged to attend 3 different camp meetings.
Our circle of friends and fellowship has greatly expanded, meeting many new friends, and renewing some precious old ones.

I am the worlds worst evangelist, I hate to leave when the revival is over. I despise saying goodbye to people I deeply come to love. One of the greatest things about heaven is there will be no more goodbyes.

The high points of my year were; Natasha and Daniels wedding, Lashels and Bens wedding, and the announcements from Chantelle and Austin that we will be grandparents in April.

The weekend of Lashel and Bens wedding was my favorite weekend. First there was the union of two great young people. My parents and all of my brothers and their wives were in town. It was the first time that had happened since my grandmother passed. My mother in law was also I'm town for the wedding. We wrapped up the weekend with a unforgettable church service in Owasso. Wow!

The most gratifying things I did was personally help lead a backslider back to Christ. It had been years since the last time I was one on one personally involved in winning a soul.

My art work has gone to a different level this last year as well. I finished up the Bookers new church building and have preached and painted my way across the fellowship.

The most enjoyable time was a few week period when Pattie and I were together in Memphis working together on a painting project. Love and miss her when we are apart.

My new home away from home has been in Memphis. God Bless the Adams for their kindness and generosity towards us.

The funniest thing to me this past year is that one of the reasons Lashel said she was attracted to Ben was, "he felt no call to ministry". The hand of God is obviously on Bens life ... God has a great sense of humor.

The Thanksgiving holiday was very special this year, We all took a road trip to Idaho. It was a double blessing to spend so much time with the kids and enjoy the holiday with family.

One of the most trying things has been I only spent 58 nights sleeping in my own bed in Tulsa. The separation from my wife and kids has been an emotional roller coaster at times.

I wrote 77 Posts this last year, and had 16,963 visitors viewed my blog, I am grateful for each one of them. My post " I miss my home church" still is the most viewed post even after being almost a years old.

My post "5 signs that a culture of death is at work in your church" received the most reader comments. Some very good and supportive, others.... not so much. I took it down as I reconsidered what I had said, In the end I reposted it, and stand by every word of it.

My post "10 signs of a healthy church" was picked up by an on line Christian publication.

I am not breaking any records in my revivals or in my personal life. Our growth has been slow but steady. We are looking to the new year with hope and confidence.

God bless each one of you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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