Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lashel and Bens wedding pictures

Two pretty girls and two lucky boys.

I was privilege to speak during the ceremony, between tears I managed as lashels father, to place my blessing upon their union. As with her sisters this was a joy and a blessing. How will God ever say well done over there if we don't do well over here. It was my honor to tell Lashel and Ben "well done".

All of my brothers were able to make it. Here is my mom and dad, to my left is my oldest brother Lynel, to my right is Loran and Lyndel. Four of the greatest men I have ever known.

My whole family

My brothers and I ... Good times, good times

Proud gramps, pretty bride

Rev. Shane Cheek preformed the vows, and is doing a great job pastoring these two, and leading The Owasso Pentecostal church to revival.

Ben and his sister, Sister Cheek. What a pretty, gracious, Christian woman.

The Cheek boys provided the evenings entertainment... as always!

An Old friend from Idaho came out, Josh Collins. God is doing some amazing things in his life.

All of my kids! I am overwhelmed with gratitude and thanks to a God who knows all, sees all, and has brought such quality young men into our lives.

Lashel and her brides maids

Ben and the groomsmen, ushers, and Cheek boys

He loves what he is doing!

We were so very honored to have Gram Featherston ... What a great grandmother she has been.

The proud man to the left is me. Blessed and highly favored of God!

My mom and dad obviously have been practicing longer than the rest of us. Lyndel is looking for an instruction manual.

Thank you everyone who send cards and gifts. Thank you to our many friends who travel great distances to share in this celebration. But mostly I want to thank God for showing up and blessing this celebration with his anointing and presence.

Thank you for reading.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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